My Step-tember cleansing process will have you feeling ready for the summer months, however without face to face assessment, it can only be based on diet and lifestyle. Whilst I feel like I broken record at the moment, I've been inundated with emails, expressing the interest of newcomers. I need to make sure we are all on the same page, and so some of this you may already be familiar with.
Many of you would have received an email once you registered your interest. An email also went out last night with recipe ideas. Please let me know if you are yet to receive it. *Please note - the list of foods in the email shows two groups of foods. Alkaline forming foods (page 1) which you are allowed and Acid forming foods(page 2) which are to be avoided.
What you will need:
Cleansing mix (purchased from The Pagoda Tree – we can arrange this online, or over the phone to make it as easy as possible. The Shake mix is $20.00 plus postage)
Probiotic (purchased from your local health food shop or chemist)
Rough Outline: Pre Cleanse – 3 days - getting the bowels moving!
Cleanse – 4 days - the vegan stage
Post Cleanse – 3 days - gently re-introducing foods
We are to start this Wednesday the 1st of September.
Day 1.
Day of elimination – the first few days are difficult as your body rids itself of toxins. It’s not ‘difficult’ in terms of being limiting, but it’s time to cut out the crap! We are going to do this gradually so your body moves through this process with out too much stress.
Step 1. WATER!
Upon waking, start your day with a large glass of lemon water. This kickstarts the liver.
Do this each morning of the cleanse. Get ready for lots of liquids!
Then drink a small glass of water every hour, on the hour (or as close to that as you can) This will ensure that you will have 8 glasses of water from 9am – 5pm.
I've given you plenty of opportunity to have already cut this out, but if you haven't done so already today it is IMPERATIVE that you start this.
This includes Coffee, Tea or any form of caffeine. Choices for fluids are: Water. Herbal Tea, Freshly squeezed juices. Most of you should have already done this, but if you have been dodging me, you must do this now.
Diet is the key part of this cleanse. You will be slowly eliminating foods that are toxic. For today, there should be basic meals, bearing in mind we are slowly paring back.
My example menu for today would be: Porridge with Milk (preferably rice milk), cup of herbal tea. For lunch, home made spring style soup and for dinner some fish and veggies. There should be no refined or processed foods from today onwards, for the 7 days. Snacks may include nuts, veggie sticks with hummus or acceptable dips (from the list of foods sent through in the email), fruit, dates are my personal fave especially if Im craving sweet foods.
We will be introducing the shake on day two. You are going to need good quality, preferably organic apple juice to have with this. Its question time, so please ask away!
Day 1 & 2 will be the toughest. Im here for you.
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