Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Our baby is here!

I thought it would be a few more weeks until I would have the pleasure of posting this, but it seems that our little one decided it was time to come into the world on Monday!
If you have been following, you would have seen that I was called out to treat a mother of 31 weeks from pre-eclampsia. Its quite difficult but very possible to treat a mother with pre-eclampsia because the treatment must be conservative. In this case, the mother had been having treatment up until the 15 week mark where we both decided that things looked good. She was to start seeing me again shortly. It seems that baby had different ideas, and so when things failed to remain stable, the decision was made that she was to be born.
I don't have lots of details. I do know that this precious little one was born at 32 weeks, weighing 1.8kg. Both her and mother are doing ok. Im looking forward to meeting her soon. Last time I treated her, I remember my patient saying "I just hope she is 1.8kg like she should be." It seems she was granted her wish, baby was that indeed, which is in itself awesome to say the least.
Whilst no mother ever dreams of having a baby born prematurely, I know she would be also grateful that the baby is ok, and that she did the absolute best she could do.
Congrats sweet girl on the arrival of your precious baby girl!

1 comment:

  1. wow.... i feel so in touch with this woman and i don't even know her. tears of joy to read 1.8, wish granted. x


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